Canola(rapeseed) oil has an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of about 2/1 which isn’t as bad as some of the other more problematic “seed oils” like corn and soybean oils which have a 50/1 or 5/1 respectively. So maybe just using canola oil is fine, maybe you’ll need more omega 3 to keep a balance, not quite sure as this seems to be a newer area of study surrounded by some diet culture moral panic.
For me I like to err on the side of adding more diverse foods to my diet as I think that’s a good rule of thumb, so i’m trying to add more omega 3.
my regular-ass cold-pressed rapeseed oil that i use for regular-ass frying has both omega 3 and omega 6
Canola oil does have omega 3 but it has far more omega 6. Omega 6 has inflammatory properties while omega 3 has anti inflammatory properties. So it’s important to keep them in balance to avoid chronic inflammation.
Canola(rapeseed) oil has an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of about 2/1 which isn’t as bad as some of the other more problematic “seed oils” like corn and soybean oils which have a 50/1 or 5/1 respectively. So maybe just using canola oil is fine, maybe you’ll need more omega 3 to keep a balance, not quite sure as this seems to be a newer area of study surrounded by some diet culture moral panic.
For me I like to err on the side of adding more diverse foods to my diet as I think that’s a good rule of thumb, so i’m trying to add more omega 3.