Looking to migrate my domains, email and webhosting homward.
I love opalstack but they arent Canadian.
Also looking to replace Onedrive with Nextcloud. Need 1TB to start.
Who all do you like?
I have used ovh for a long time. They are French but also have offices in Montreal. I see people complaining about them once in a while but they have been reliable for me.
I have a mailcow server on a vps that has been running for around 8 years.
With the current US situation I’m looking at transferring my domains from Namecheap to OVH too.
I used Canspace for my domains and webhosting during Covid and they were good too but I wanted something with more flexibility than Cpanel and ultimately transfered my domains to Namecheap and moved my services to OVH. The fact it’s on openstack and they have an api opens a lot of possibilities for automation vs a plain cpanel.
Ugh. I forgot about c-panel. That alone might keep me on opalstack. Their management gui is really nice.
Fuck OVH. I am using FranTech. I need to find another registrar though. Currently on namecheap
I’ve used websavers.ca - https://clients.websavers.ca/whmcs/aff.php?aff=65 (affiliate code) shared hosting for over 10y.
I’ve been with them for 10y. I have OVH a try for a new project and it was a bad experience from the start. They cancelled my order and then wouldn’t tell me why.
I decided to pay the bit extra and just get a VPS server from websavers instead.
These guys are Nova Scotia based with their servers in Montreal.