I walked in on a gas filled chamber with Cleanse and the gas was chipping down my shield 2 ticks a turn while the Cleanse effect was up. The tooltip for the effect said it prevents all negative effects so I’m wondering if this particular scenario is working as intended. If environmental effects aren’t included, maybe the description for Cleanse’s effect could be more verbose?

EDIT: On v3.0beta2.3

EDIT2: I’ll piggyback this as well since they’re also priest mechanic questions. Radiance currently affects mobs within normally vision range but may not be targetable due to level darkness. I was able to hit two mobs on floor 22, despite them not being “visible” to my character; per the spell’s description.

  • 00-Evan@lemmy.worldM
    1 month ago

    Yeah the difference there is that flames apply a debuf fto you, which cleanse grants immunity to, and that debuff deals damage. Toxic gas simply deals damage.

    Purity potions don’t affect debuffs, but instead nullify area-bound effects such as fire and gas. If you’re already on fire though purity does nothing to help you.

    As for Radiance, keep in mind the spell also grants you some personal light, which is applied to you before the spell decides which enemies are affected.

    • sirxdaemonOP
      1 month ago

      Toxic gas feels out of place. Corrosive gas has a DOT and Cleanse will remove. It seems like toxic gas doesn’t get dealt by Cleanse for technical/programming reasons rather than thematically. Toxic gas could become a DOT and be inline with corrosive gas. Poison is a DOT so I think toxic gas being a 1 turn DOT wouldn’t be a stretch. Now that I think about it, toxic gas is like the only one without a status effect.