I was at least expecting a fun action movie but the choreography seemed weird and stilted, like they pieced it together from rehearsal footage. Also it was painfully obvious that the script everyone was reading at the start of the movie was dramatically different from the one they were reading at the end. Otherwise it was bland, inoffensive and uninteresting.
Plot-wise, it was originally intended to be a miniseries. Explains the wild jumps and lack of character development. Kurtzman is hopefully on his way out.
I was at least expecting a fun action movie but the choreography seemed weird and stilted, like they pieced it together from rehearsal footage. Also it was painfully obvious that the script everyone was reading at the start of the movie was dramatically different from the one they were reading at the end. Otherwise it was bland, inoffensive and uninteresting.
The action sequences:
Plot-wise, it was originally intended to be a miniseries. Explains the wild jumps and lack of character development. Kurtzman is hopefully on his way out.