This is kind of a myth. It’s not feasible for everyone to have an office if you have a lot of people in once space. Open floor plans were what people did.
It kind of depends on the job and the size of the company. My father was an engineer and spent time in offices and open floors full of drawing tables. The small companies could accommodate offices, but that was too hard to pull off with larger companies.
I remember some old offices buildings at MS where they tried to give everyone a little baby office, and it was actually pretty depressing and weird.
This is kind of a myth. It’s not feasible for everyone to have an office if you have a lot of people in once space. Open floor plans were what people did.
Yeah I thought of this right after I posted this. I still think it holds for certain professions though. Like engineers had offices. Now not so much.
It kind of depends on the job and the size of the company. My father was an engineer and spent time in offices and open floors full of drawing tables. The small companies could accommodate offices, but that was too hard to pull off with larger companies.
I remember some old offices buildings at MS where they tried to give everyone a little baby office, and it was actually pretty depressing and weird.