I’m really into traditional architecture and pre-automobile urban planning. Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of that in North America. I know there are a few, I was wondering if Ontario specifically has any nice villages that fit this description? Preferably not abandoned ones, i am looking for ones still inhabited.

  • Splitdipless
    1 year ago

    Yes, but at the same time, they were designed for horse/cart or horse/buggy - which meant that they were easy-ish to convert over to automobile roads. The stretch from Front St. to Queen St. in downtown Toronto sees a lot of traffic by car, but was laid out well before cars. A lot of places along the Seaway (except for the lost villages area) have a history of being pre-car. The difference was with the abundance of space, large farming lots were set up and made for a very grid-like arrangement of roads. And the road allowance was fairly generous: 66 ft or 1 chain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concession_road