It occurred to me that, as an adult, I feel I need a reason to invite friends over. My wife thinks this is pitiful. I invited a couple of friends over for a curry and a boardgame night - it was a fine evening - but without that reason of having a shared activity, I’d never have done it.

Jusy wondered if I’m alone in this, and if there’s any men out there who DO invite male friends over with no plans or expectations for the evening?

Pic unrelated.

    2 months ago

    Yup, I do.

    Mind you, I tend to know that when I do so, there’s going to be some kind of group activity, even if that’s most sitting around and complaining about shit lol. Normally, it also means I’ll cook something up, so there’s the assumption on my part, and my friends’ parts that it’s also an invite to a meal. Enough so that I only bring food up when I’m not going to be cooking.

    Hell, 99% of the time, there’s an exchange of, “yeah, of course! Want me to bring anything?”, “Nah, just your appetite and any booze you want.” Not always word for word, but it’ll be close.

    But, fuck yeah. I’ll send out a group text, or e-mails, and ask if they want to hang at my place. No plans at the time, just wanting to enjoy the company of a friend group. Any plans get made after that. Like, maybe someone will bring a movie, or a game or whatever, but it’s about being together, not the activity. The activity just serves to keep us in one place instead of roaming the house and yard the way we do when we aren’t doing a single thing as a group.

    But my three main friend groups (and they do include women, except for one of those, but I think it still fits), we’re fine just ambling through the back yard, sipping whatever, and bullshitting.

    Same with individual friends too.

    Now, when me and my wife are hosting another couple, it’s almost always a planned thing where they’re invited specifically for a meal, followed by the chatting and whatever. Dunno why, but that’s the way it happens lol.