Guys I’m beginning to this these heritage foundations guys are angry pathetic losers
All they’re asking for is to start the game of Monopoly with all the properties, and the whole bank, instead of “Chance” cards you get “indentured servitude opportunities” while Community Chest has been replaced with “Christian Learnings for all”, Free Parking has been upgraded to Paid Commuting where you have to deposit time and 10 turns each time you go land on it, and all deeded properties on your board have been replaced with utilities. The railroads have been torn out and replaced with more Paid Commuting areas. The starting square of the game now reads “inherited economic and environmental debt” to improve outcomes for players and the outdated corner squares “Jail” and “go to jail” have been enhanced to reflect the contemporary "7-7x7” balances scorecard for expected employment.
Just think of the fun, unpredictable outcomes for players!
I’m not looking forward to the inevitable board-flipping, but who knows, maybe the rest of the players will tell Kevin to sit down and shut up because even regular monopoly sucks ass.
Illegal under many places anti doxxing laws. Hopefully the people involved go to prison for terrorism.
Are we doing laws again? I thought that we stopped doing that.
I would much rather they get Nintendo-ed if you know what I mean.