I’m currently sick with strep! 4th time in a year, doc said maybe it’s time to get the tonsils out. I’m not sure I’m sold on the idea - outside of the last 2ish years I feel like I don’t get strep all that often. Anyone else have their tonsils out as an adult? What was your experience?
Few months ago I lost my job (don’t pity me it is ok), decided that it doesn’t make sense to look for another, roughly planned half year trip and tomorrow I am leaving.
So I am nervous of air travel, tomorrow I leave at 3 am, I can’t sleep well and can’t eat much because of my nerves.
Yesterday I had beer with my friends that I won’t see for a long time, I said goodbye to my relatives and now I try to distract myself from thinking about it that much.
Yeah my week is going exactly as I imagined it would go when I started planning.
Half year trip sounds amazing! Where are you headed?
Madrid and then I will decide. I wanted to go to Valencia but it is still rough there after the flooding last year. Probably Gibraltar will be the rough next stop.
Ok I didn’t slept since 6am yesterday, passed all checks (maybe) and bought duty free beer. It goes better than I thought, weird how the mind tricks you.