The recreation use from them is not worth the inevitable shootings. As the safety of the many come before the pleasure of the few. Not to mention the lead exposure on the environment from the bullet casings left on the ground and all the noise that’s caused from all the firing disrupting the wildlife.

If you want to play with guns like toys go take a vacation down south.

The only people who should have access to guns are the military, special forces and hunters in remote areas without any food alternatives.

  • Em Adespoton
    2 months ago

    Guns don’t kill; bullets kill.

    Bullets should be more heavily regulated; beyond guns that are only useful to inflict harm on humans, I see no reason to restrict firearms.

    Someone’s resourceful enough to make their own bullets? Fine, but any misuse of said bullets, especially if they’re unregistered (think locksmiths), and there’s jail time waiting for them.

    Gunpowder is also much easier to sniff out at the border than guns.