Stripes are pretty but they do nothing for flavour. Those patties are only caramelized on the stripes themselves. All the gray stuf is bland and boring. If I were you, I’d flip that thing to get a proper sear. Assuming it has a flat bottom.
In my opinion grill pans are completely useless. They do nothing but emulate grill marks but with no fire and no smoke. Or at least not any good tasting smoke.
Sorry for the negativity. I don’t usually like to shit on people who try, but it has to be said.
Heya. I appreciate your opinion enough that I’ll give it a try!
Yeah! The happiest time of my grill-pan-owning life was when I heard the sizzle of the food on the pan for the first time. The least happy was when I tried to clean the thing for the first time.
Now I just use a regular 12” lodge skillet as well as a carbon steel pan.
Edit: if you want grill marks and great flavour, get a Weber kettle, a charcoal chimney, and a bag of hardwood lump charcoal. Learn to build a 2 zone fire and make some amazing food!
What’s that rectangle pan called? It looks useful
Very useful. A lot of people think it’s a pain in the butt to use due to cleaning and/or seasoning. But I love it and use it all the time.
Those look raw
But delicious. I’ll be glad once I can afford more protein in my diet on salary. Year’ll come eventually.