TNG s5e15 “Power Play”

Edit: corrected text coloring and a grammar error… and again to maintain the weirdly accented “Còmmánder” with the chair lights.

    2 months ago

    Can’t speak for everyone obviously so this is purely anecdotal, but the Venn diagram of those who are cool with it and do it; and those who aren’t cool with it so don’t do it, are largely two separate circles.

    I personally think that if you think it’s funny and you’re prepared to take it as well as dish it out, there’s no harm in it. If you’re daft enough to find it entertaining then go wild, it’s your life and your own choices.

    From my schoolyard days though, slapping someone in the balls or giving someone a dead leg or towel-whipping someone or the dreaded “nipple-cripple” (excuse the ableist term) on someone who wasn’t a willing participant of the game was a dick move (no pun intended) and massively frowned upon.