Surprise your friends with a new bong and some bud to share and watch the smiles spread like wildfire

  • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
    1 month ago

    This is going to sound weird(because it is), but I rarely share a truly new bong. Like, if someone’s over? Shit yeah, we’ll fire the nameless up, but if I can, I like a session where I can muddle over the name.

    Then I can do proper introductions.

    • Steak
      1 month ago

      Dude I got an enail for shatter on DH gate that came with a little recycler rig. This was like 7 years ago or something. RUST the game was hitting its stride and me and my girlfriend had just broken up. Me and another single buddy moved into a basement apartment together and ordered that e-nail and rig combo and both bought RUST. I have like barely any memories of that entire summer.

      He slept on the couch, I slept in the one bedroom. Our PC’s were right beside eachother. All we did was play RUST 24/7 and get obliterated on shatter. We’d sleep with the volume up so we could hear if we were getting raided at anytime.