Heehaw. Me thinks someone at Amazon has never played Diplomacy before 😂

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    2 months ago

    100%. I had a gaming group and we used to play weekly RoR after work, it was an amazing time. I cannot recommend this enough.

    We developed an amazing sense of senatorial politics! Noone was safe! Ever.

    • It was one of those strange games for me. Usually I’m not a fan of wargames, except the simpler ones (like Battle for Julu B.C. 207) every once in a while (my SO is an avid wargamer), but this game, despite being the kind of game I should hate just had me enjoying myself when I got the time to play it.

      Enjoying myself, and hating all my fellow players, mind. 😉

      • jet@hackertalks.com
        2 months ago

        Having the right group of people, with the right temperament is critical to enjoying this game. The backstabs are expected, the only question is how long will a understanding last, rather then will someone betray you.

        One of the great parts of this game is even if your not going to win, you can still have a huge influence on the outcome so you are still involved in all the politicking.

        Never tried Battle for Julu - I’ll add it to my list of future game ideas!

        • Never tried Battle for Julu - I’ll add it to my list of future game ideas!

          Battle for Julu is, to my knowledge, only published in Chinese, so you might have a hard time playing it:

          I Internet-know the designer. She’s made quite a few games, but this one she specifically made for people like me: simple enough that we don’t get bored to tears, intending it to be basically a gateway drug.