After a recent update to ESPHome, my ATOM Echos no longer show a wake word in Home Assistant and the wake word field isn’t even editable:
And indeed they aren’t responding to me speaking the wake word.
Has anyone encountered this? Does anyone know of a fix or has a suggestion?
Flash again and leave the log running. I had this going on, took a few reboots to get it to not display some error it was throwing in the log. It seems like it’ll work for a while and start again requiring another power cycle or three.
I went back on old version of ESPHome and that didn’t help. IDK if these Atoms just mile out after a while or what.
It’s a matter of config, not hardware. I was putting my own together (based on the „official” one) and it is working. Maybe they’ve changed something there
Mine worked fine for months, then suddenly started doing this. It was shortly after an update so I thought I’d go back to a previous firmware but no luck. It’s been working for a couple weeks now but it took a few reboots before it “caught”.
I’ll try mega-rebooting to see if I luck into anything.