If this is 1960, that’s roughly a $350 shirt.
$35 bucks back then waa no joke, too.
Shoot, I aim for $20 in today money.Right? What’s Clark doing spending so much on shirts when he rips them open all the time himself?
Maybe he doesn’t actually rip them. He’s unbuttoning them super fast.
As fast as a tachyon moves, perhaps.
Why does she know that Clark is Superman? And is he going to kill the shooter to keep his secret?
Maybe everyone knows that Clark is Superman.
Would you be the one to tell the guy who’s basically a god that no one buys his “secret” identity?
One thing I dig about the new Superman trailer is that they do a good job of making Clark look like he’s not Superman with glasses.
Probably, if I got drunk. Might regret it later, though.
“All right, all right, I’ll save you–just fill out this IOU, first.”
Thirty five American dollars, supplicant.
Plus tax?!