• exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    People are being robbed at every opportunity in society. Wage theft is theft its just legal because bureaucratic paperwork deems it acceptable. The amount of wealth distribution in the last 75 years has shifted from the bottom 80% owning 90% of thr wealth to the top 10 percent owning 85% of the wealth today.

    Its not bonkers at all. Youre just saying bexause billionaires use militarized police and bureaucratic processes to rob the proletariat its acceptable whereas people who are desperate overworked and underpaid by design because the system has created this environment by design to benefit the owning class, taking what little they need to survive and removing a tiny amount of profit from businesses that earn hundreds of billions annually is unacceptable?they dint even loose profit because they are insured against shrink and have shrink built into their price walmart made $143 BILLION in 2022 and was crying about 3 billion in shrink while a large portion of its labor force is sk under payed they qualify for food stamps. Its a joke.does boot flavored gum really taste that good?

    Now i don’t condone stealing from small mom And pop businesses. Unless they are equally shitty to their workers as box stores are then fuck them too but a small family owned business that has 5 or 10 employees and treats them well should not be a target of this reappropriating action

    • neatchee@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      So you’re an anarchist. You get to decide who deserves to be treated fairly and who doesn’t. Cool. If I ever find out who you are I’ll rob you blind and say it’s all fair because something something wage theft and I don’t think you deserve what you have something something. If you get to pick and choose who to steal from then so do I. And we’ll all just kill each other over our disagreements. 😬

      • exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        I have pretty much nothing for you to take.

        There is only one class that deserves to have their wealth reappropriated and thats those who spend more on a weekend vacation than you could earn in a dozen consecutive lifetimes.

        Do boots really taste that good?

        • neatchee@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Oh so you were lying when you said that you condone stealing from Mom and Pop shops that treat their workers like shit?

          You can’t even keep your own arguments straight. Completely done with you. Get blocked

          • exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
            3 months ago

            If mom and pop employ predatory practices and pay and treat their workers like disposable cattle so they can leverage their wealth against working class people and live to a higher standard on passive income then they are no better than the walton family or the payseurs or the trumps thiels and musks of the world. Each according to their means is how we should live and thats not what we have today we have exploitation under the guise of fair practice so that a small group of 800 americans can each hold at least one thousand 22.5 pound stacks of hundred dollar bills while they guy at the top has wealth equaling 486,000 22.5 pound stacks of $100 bills. Youre basically saying they earned that fairly. Nobody needs more than $20,000,000 to live a good life. Any more than that is just greed. Where do tou draw the line? Should people be allowed to ruthlessly exploit others so they can hoard more than they could ever spend in a hundred lifetimes? Who’s side are you on? Definitely not your own.

            Everyone of us watches heist movies and i guarantee a majority of us don’t root for the police, we root for the ones sticking it to the banks. So I’m rather certain my sentiment is the popular one. But go ahead and keep on doing what you’re you’re doing. You may not be licking them but you are surely kissing those boots