From my experience iOS actually got dumber. At least the keyboard did, which is annoying. There’s a certain way how keys responded to what you typed which has been a thing since the first iPhone. But two updates ago or so, they butchered it completely (especially if you type in German), making texting pretty difficult at times. I’ve asked other users and some of them experience the same issues in that certain keys just do not want to get tapped sometimes because the algorithm expects something else, making hitboxes of unwanted keys way too big. Needlesly to say I’m not ready to trust Apple’s Intelligence just yet.
I experience this way too much. I have a nostaligia for when all of the problems I had with computers (broadly) were because I did something wrong… not because the computer is trying to fix something or guess something or anticipate something. Just let me type.
Yesterday, I typed out the letters of a word I wanted, and after typing a second word, I saw my iPhone “correct” the first word I typed to something else entirely. NO. Stop assuming I made a mistake. You cause more problems than you solve.
It’s crazy because they’ve tried to ‘fix’ something that wasn’t broken at all. It was one of the best features. Most users didn’t even notice there was an algorithm behind their keyboard. It just felt natural. But now it’s so aggressive, texting can almost feel like a warzone.
From my experience iOS actually got dumber. At least the keyboard did, which is annoying. There’s a certain way how keys responded to what you typed which has been a thing since the first iPhone. But two updates ago or so, they butchered it completely (especially if you type in German), making texting pretty difficult at times. I’ve asked other users and some of them experience the same issues in that certain keys just do not want to get tapped sometimes because the algorithm expects something else, making hitboxes of unwanted keys way too big. Needlesly to say I’m not ready to trust Apple’s Intelligence just yet.
Is this a documented feature? In that it will modify the hit boxes for keys as you’re typing, based on likely next key press.
I experience this way too much. I have a nostaligia for when all of the problems I had with computers (broadly) were because I did something wrong… not because the computer is trying to fix something or guess something or anticipate something. Just let me type.
Yesterday, I typed out the letters of a word I wanted, and after typing a second word, I saw my iPhone “correct” the first word I typed to something else entirely. NO. Stop assuming I made a mistake. You cause more problems than you solve.
It’s crazy because they’ve tried to ‘fix’ something that wasn’t broken at all. It was one of the best features. Most users didn’t even notice there was an algorithm behind their keyboard. It just felt natural. But now it’s so aggressive, texting can almost feel like a warzone.
The iOS keyboard is one of the worst pieces of software I’ve ever used. It is actively hostile towards what I’m trying to type.