Remember that scene at the beginning of It’s a Wonderful Life, where people are all desperately trying to get into the bank because if it fails before they get in, they lose their money? That’s what the FDIC prevents.

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    3 months ago

    Don’t miss the trick here. The fake economy built on systemic fraud requires faith that it works for it to work. There is not enough physical money to account for the fictional numbers they throw around hourly on wall street. Its all going to collapse and they want to make sure you don’t have anything!

    This is the setup to the biggest heist in history! Whatever cash and assets the wealthy have will be safe in their vaults and overseas accounts. The decadent will dine while you starve. They will rebuild the US in their dystopic image even more so than it is now.

    General strike, crash the fake economy before they do. If wall street looses billions a day that will send a bigger shockwave than any dead CEO ever could. All they care about is money! You make that vanish and that’s power.

    Will you have to suffer, yes. That’s happening anyway. If not now you will be soon. If we do it soon enough it will be the imagery money that disappears and not your bank account. If we wait till after they rig the table it’ll be your loss not theirs.

    We don’t have much time.