This is an admin post, intended for blahaj lemmy users. Top level posts from members of other instances will be removed.


Edit - Hexbear announced plans to deferedate from us.


After recent events, it feels to me that sentiment has shifted and more people are asking for defederation of hexbear than previously

I’ve been doing my best to try and mend bridges and keep us connected, as it’s my hope that we can maintain trans solidarity and work with them, despite the friction, however, ultimately, I feel that this is an issue for the blahaj lemmy community to decide, not the admins alone

So here’s what we’re going to do

We’re going to leave things as they are for a week. That will give time for things to calm down whilst we see if we can work together. After a week, I’ll put up a vote and get a feel for where the community is at in regards to our continued federation with hexbear. That poll will run for a week. If there is a strong will to defederate (a clear majority), then that’s what we will do

    1 year ago

    Queer solidarity, Trans solidarity, and Left solidarity is important.

    Solidarity is not a one-way street though. You cannot expect one group to always tolerate all behavior of another, without the other group acting in the same way. Both groups have to agree that the members of the other one deserve respect and should stand up for one another. If solidarity is demanded, but not returned, then it’s just empty words.

    In the same vein “Being fed up with the system” is no excuse for taking out one’s anger on anybody who is also suffering under the same system. That’s just abuse.

    To bring it back to the current discussion: Members of Hexbear have to make an honest effort and demonstrate that they willing to treat members of Blahaj.Zone with the same kind of respect that they are expecting to be met with. Constantly dunking on people and being obnixious and rude isn’t that.