We have built not one, but two games for Vivaldi users. We teamed up with Porcelain Fortress to do so. I am a fan of simple, but fun arcade games and that is what we built. The games are free to play without ads.

Have you tried the games yet? Did you like them?

Something relaxing to do for the weekend?


#Vivaldi #browser #Vivaldia #gaming #Arcade #Windows #Macos #Linux @[email protected]


  • djbiker@social.vivaldi.net
    3 months ago

    @[email protected] @[email protected] my 2 cents: as you know, I’m not a fan of Vivaldi offering games with such a small team! For me this is a browser and should offer great functions for it. Vivaldi does that - with one exception: Security & Antitracking! For this, the browser urgently needs very good tools after ublock origin and MV3 have been eliminated/castrated. And that goes far beyond implementing some lists. You know what ublock offers and how powerful it is - compared to the current Vivaldi with ublock lite. Vivaldi should concentrate massively on this. If that worked, the number of users would probably go through the roof. But currently I’m hearing from more and more people who are turning their backs on the Google universe and the rendering engine as much as possible. That is VERY shame! Therefore - PLEASE concentrate on your core product with all your power. You have created such a great product - you don’t need games for it. But that’s just my opinion.