Since it’s the 30th anniversary of the Sega Saturn this week, I was looking up articles from back in the day.

First up this feature from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)

This magazine can be downloaded in full here:


feature on the Sega Saturn from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)
feature on the Sega Saturn from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)
feature on the Sega Saturn from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)

  • Out of Print Archive@mstdn.gamesOP
    2 days ago

    @[email protected]
    That’s just basic region locking though.
    The Capcom cart was planned for international release at a time, but due to dwindling sales, those plans were shelved.
    Barely any games that even supported it released outside of Japan anyway.

    And hm the biggest fans had a 4-in-1 import cart anyway.