Since it’s the 30th anniversary of the Sega Saturn this week, I was looking up articles from back in the day.

First up this feature from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)

This magazine can be downloaded in full here:


feature on the Sega Saturn from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)
feature on the Sega Saturn from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)
feature on the Sega Saturn from Sega Pro 30 - April 1994 (UK)

  • Out of Print Archive@mstdn.gamesOP
    2 months ago

    @[email protected]

    While I do have a Jaguar (bought one about 17 years ago just to play Tempest 2000), and I have a Sega CD, although with very few games.
    I never even seen a 3DO in real life.
    I’m not even sure if they were ever sold in Belgium actually, as I never came across one in second hand shops either here.

    Only ever got to play a NeoGeo AES one time in a random little shop back in the day.
    Played Last Resort and I wanted one ever since.
    Had to wait another decade for that to happen though.