• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Liberalism thought leads to concepts like social democracy

    I covered the 1700s origins already. That’s not what modern day liberalism is.

    I get it is popular to shit on liberalism

    Not really, no. There’s always at least one salty liberal with delusions of comprehension like yourself throwing a hissy fit.

    Most of the people who understand what liberalism in the 2020s actually is tend to avoid this kind of conversation because of how exhausting your insistence on nonsense is in the long run.

    by the edge lords

    Yeah, one of us is being overly histrionic and salty and it’s not me 🤷

    but it really doesn’t makes sense

    What REALLY doesn’t make sense is your upcoming ice cold take.

    My personal opinion is the whole anti liberal thing is just Russian propaganda.

    Yeah, because nobody can possibly criticize the likes of Biden, Pelosi, Hillary, Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries from the left! It has to be propaganda from checks notes a fascist theocracy that despises the Left much more than liberals 🤦

    Other parties using words like liberal and perverting it doesn’t prove anything

    Which is why that wasn’t what I based anything on. Please stow the strawmen for just the rest of the paragraph.

    Need I remind you the Nazi called themselves Natural Socialist German Worker Party. So I guess we can’t use socialist or worker rights anymore by this same logic.

    Damn, another in the very next sentence. You’re REALLY not good at disguising your bad faith nonsense as a coherent and logical argument.

    You speak of falling for propaganda

    And you’re proving my point better than I ever could.

    the whole concept our country has been drifting right is an illusion

    Are you drunk? High? It’s ok if you are. I just want to know if this is actually you sober and you’ve lost all contact with reality.

    Our country was always right and designed to suppress liberalism from the start. It was always liberalism in name only and anti-liberal in practice.

    Wow, you’re actually partially right for a second! Well done! Let’s hope that your next sentence doesn’t ruin it completely…

    Once you realize we have been gamed from the start

    Some more than others to this day…

    the country was designed by the rich for the rich

    100% correct. Let’s see if whatever conclusion you reach based on that fact makes sense…

    the sooner you can drop the fantasy about our country drifting to the right.

    Nope. Biffed it. Fun fact: the politics of the US was further Right in the 50s and early 60s than in the rest of the 60s and most of the 70s. Then Reagan came along and lay the foundation for what has now culminated in actual fascists taking over.

    It’s not a straight line, but since then and ESPECIALLY since Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich made open hostility to dissent the modus operandi of the GOP in the 90s, the Overton window HAS shifted very far right.

    In fact we have always been right and at moments in history paid lip service to the left

    Yeah no, that’s the leadership of both parties, NOT the country in general. For a supposed representative democracy, few governments in the West are less representative of the will of the majority of the people. A disparity that has only grown in recent years. Because of all the right wing misinformation from mostly the fascist party but also the Dems.

    Shitting on Supporting liberalism doesn’t solve anything as it is not a big part of the real problem.

    Fixed that for you.

    • Doomsider@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Liberalism is defining a way to think about rights. You want it to be something monolithic so you can blame it for your current distaste of politics. You are simply being disingenuous about it.

      Your definition is apparently all the wrong things people do who claim to be liberal. Speaking of saltiness you must need a glass of water.

      Sorry that you come off as an edge lord, but the truth hurts.

      Now you deny anti-liberal movement came from Russian disinformation campaigns? I was alive and well when I saw this shit coming out of Russia several decades ago.

      Pretending a bunch of Neo liberals are liberals is once again dumb. If you are trying to come across as truthful why do you keep muddying the water?

      It is like you ignore all the criticism that liberals give to modern politics because it is the exact same criticisms you give. It is almost like you are a liberal yourself.

      Lastly, you are outright delusional if you think our country has not always been right. A simple thought experiment. When was SCOTUS ever a liberal court. When was the Senate not designed to quash liberal policies.

      Once you let go of the propaganda that has been fed to you your whole life you can stop blaming concepts like liberalism for our problems.

    • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Ok, I had my suspicions, but now I know what has you confused: you’re confusing the ideology liberalism with the libertarianism - authoritarianism axis of the political compass.

      I know it’s confusing, especially since fascists who like drugs have appropriated the label “libertarian” in the US, but come on.

      You had the option to not say anything before you knew enough to back up your enormous confidence with actual knowledge of how to correctly define words and ideologies.

      Instead you just blundered full speed ahead with your eyes closed while tossing grenades all around you like when Trump confuses political asylum with arcane mental institutions and concludes that crazy people are invading the country.