Interesting argument in the form of discussion between Kirk and Bones over drinks.

    4 months ago

    It’s useful in getting cadets to see what it feels like to be in a no-win situation, and to get them to think about it, but this purpose for it and the specific way its framed opens it up to Kirk criticism in this post.

    No it’s not useful for that. Not even remotely true. They go into it knowing that it’s just something they have to get done. You do it once, get clobbered and move on.

    It’s not useful to impart experience because it’s known you’re going to lose. In-universe, a captain would not have that knowledge.

    That knowledge changes everything about how you approach it- and together with the knowledge that it’s “just a sim”

    If you wanted to give that experience- as best you can without killing lots of cadets- then you remove that knowledge, slipping ezcercisss in that feel “normal” until they’re not.

    As for how to score it? There’s plenty of ways. Number of ships you kill. How long you survive, not to mention tactical performance etc.

    Do you really need a canon source to draw that inference? Of course they have a way to score an exam. (And every exam would have been scored. That’s the point of them. You have to evaluate how you perform before you can begin to improve.)