What is your favorite browser? Feel free to share why.

#Vivaldi #browser #Firefox #Edge #Chrome #Safari #Opera #Windows #Linux #macos #iOS #Android

  • FearlessJuan@social.vivaldi.net
    3 months ago

    @[email protected] #vivaldibrowser is by far the best. It saves me so much time. I need to have many tabs open in several windows in several virtual desktops in several monitors. Workspaces, tabs stacking and tab search are lifesavers. The quick search has a built-in calculator that I use all the time. It’s the most innovative and customizable browser there is. Sync is flawless. I use it in Mac, Windows and Android.

    #Edge would be my 2nd choice. I like how fast it loads in my old Windows laptop, probably because it’s pre-loaded. I like the way Bing presents the search results and the Copilot integration. I love the read-aloud feature. It recognizes the language automatically and it sounds very natural.