They’re not scared, they just don’t give a fuck, never have, never will, don’t let them convince you otherwise.
All they care about is money.
Exactly. Virtue signalling for a month a year with some rainbow capitalism is generally enough to convince most liberals that they’re “good guys”, they have absolutely no reason to show support for a group they couldn’t give two fucks about beyond that.
I mean this isn’t remotely surprising considering what they did to The Owl House and Gravity Falls
What did they do to them?
I have no idea if this is what they’re referring to, but here’s A YouTube video reads some of the email exchanges between the series creator and Disney.
“Not S+P Approved”, that is amazing. It’s time for a rewatch.
Also of note, Hirsch’s placeholder voice for Hooty in The Owl House was a parody of Mickey’s voice, and the crew got so used to it that they had him voice Hooty that way for the rest of the series.
They are following the zeitgeist and the money.
Yeah, sadly the writing is on the wall for public support of LGBT rights. Fucking hell…
Here’s the episode https://archive.org/details/na-the-gatekeeper