• Bobmighty@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Luke Skywalker? Might as well tell everyone that Clifford the big red dog overcame adversity, or curious George faced challenges. Don’t be patronizing.

    • NineMileTower@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Ok, I won’t be patronizing. I’ll be fucking real.

      You are going to die someday. None of this fucking shit matters. There has been shitty leaders and political hardships since we invented farming. You are not special. You are a speck of meat on a speck of dust in swirling mess of who knows what the fuck. You do not matter to me or most of the other 8 billion people on this planet. The moon, the sun, and the stars will still be in the sky tomorrow, whether you are here or not. Your opinions do not matter to any other human being on this planet. You are inconsequential and in a relatively short amount of years there will be no evidence to your measly existence at all. You want to be a pissy pants about politics online? Go ahead and do that if it makes you happy. But, it doesn’t. It makes you afraid and angry and you’re here sitting in your anger stew. If I want to tell someone online something positive through a character is space fantasy, I’m going to do it. To live is to suffer and the only thing that matters in life is making others feel good. That’s it. Nothing else truly fucking matters. Nothing. Quit acting like a baby, get some exercise, eat the right shit, and be useful. Now get out there and make some fucking changes in the world.

      Don’t take this as me being rude. Take this as me freeing you from your mental tethers of exceptionalism.

      • Bobmighty@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Lol, you speak as if you’re the only asshole who figured out that life has no inherent value. I’m many years past that realization. Basically, I figured all that crap out as a child. Tons of people do. You don’t have any manner of superior logic. You have the same value as a random single celled organism.

        That means we are all free. If nothing matters, then I decide what matters and no one will convince me differently. Thus, I have lived a life being part of large groups working to improve the meaningless lives of as many people as possible. We often work against violent minded dipshits who talk a lot like you do actually. People who never moved beyond the simple teenage mindset you typed out. You make accusations of perpetual online bitching. I think you’re just telling on yourself. You need to get out more champ. I’m actually out there doing real work to improve lives. I highly doubt you are. Grow up