In a statement, Twitch said that whilst it is a place “for people to express themselves and discuss the world around them”, from now on, any stream that includes discussions about war, religion, or “reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, or immigration” needs to be labelled.

    4 months ago

    people’s literal existence are now being political and sensitive

    Insert always has been meme here.

    The major difference between the 1920s or 30s or 40s or 50s or 60s or etc. and now is simply which people’s existence is being pushed as a political issue and that we’ve ceded control of the media to giant corporations who have an overriding incentive to make nobody mad ever because if they don’t, they’ll lose advertiser money because you can’t do anything without half the population disliking you.

    That, and we have allowed fascists to control the discussion for decades, rather than stomping them like they rightfully deserve.

    Twitch is very much in the wrong here, but let’s not pretend that telling people they’re not allowed to talk about one minority group or another is somehow new.