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A potential plan by Republican leaders to steal the 2024 presidential election. The plan involves delaying the certification of election results in key battleground states, potentially decreasing the overall number of electors appointed and allowing Donald Trump to win the presidency through a contingent election, whereby the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College, determines the president.

    5 months ago

    Again, I do believe Democratic lawyers are ready for this, but all roads point to a Supreme Court that has already proven itself to be fully in the tank for Trump. If the court allows the states to delay the certification of their results past the deadline, the Trumpers in front of the Supreme Court would be arguing a “heads I win, tails they lose” situation. They’ll say either the unappointed electors don’t count toward the overall number, and Trump wins a majority of the electors present, or they’ll say the electors not present should count toward the overall number, which means no candidate has achieved a majority of electors and the election must be decided by the House.

    So, essentially, the “little secret” is stealing the election, while simultaneously brainwashing America to believe only Democrats steal elections. Sounds like the perfect condition for a coup, which is exactly what we are watching.