Been daily driving Bazzite for almost half a year now. I currently have two seperate 2TB SSD’s, one with Windows 11 and the other has Bazzite. Bought a 1TB SSD so I can migrate my Windows install to a smaller SSD since I much prefer Linux now.

Just need to stop being lazy and finish migrating everything I care about off my old Windows install onto my new 1TB Windows install, then I plan to install CachyOS onto the soon to be free’d up 2TB SSD, since I’m curious about Arch Linux. I’ll always have Bazzite to fall back on if need be, or god forbid, Windows.

    5 months ago

    I switched back to Linux on the desktop earlier in the year. I hadn’t used it on a desktop/laptop since 2008 so I was pleasantly surprised how much better things are these days (except suspending a laptop which seems to still be kinda broken). I’m glad we don’t have to deal with AMD proprietary drivers (fglrx) any more.

    Something that wasn’t immediately obvious to me, coming from the BIOS era, was that if you want to install multiple Linux distros, you just need a single EFI partition and they can all use it.

    I also share my /home partition between Debian testing and Fedora, but that might be risky. I’m planning to remove Debian soon anyways. I love it on servers (and have used it for over 20 years for that purpose) and it’s what I was trying out initially, but on a desktop, Fedora has newer packages and a better out of the box experience. I’m also forced to use Fedora at work (I can choose Windows 11, MacOS, or Fedora) so I may as well use it on my personal computers too.