Are there any good iOS apps for rating songs while they play in Plex on the TV? I can’t find a way to rate songs using an AppleTV and its remote.

I did try the Plex app on the phone, but you have to leave it as the frontmost app or it will disconnect by the next time you open it (app flushes/sleeps). If it doesn’t disconnect then instead you get a mismatch of what’s playing and what can be rated (album art/track name/rating pane don’t match). There’s also no widgets from the app to do this from on iOS.

Or is there a web app I can run on the server and connect to from the phone’s web browser to rate items as they play?

    • reddig33@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      Updating this reply. This turned out to be the answer. All you have to do is launch Plexamp and if the TV is already playing, it will mirror the TV. You can then rate songs from the phone and the app does not disconnect or get out of sync. Much appreciate the suggestion!