Got team killed in revenge twice in 2 different games in less than 10 mins. Sure, I effed up and shot a diver. It happens we all shoot and get shot. It’s a flaming shotgun it’s not easy to control and they were behind a bug.

You reinforce, apologize and move on for the mission. You do not revenge kill your fellow diver the moment you step out of your pod and then say it’s my fault.

That’s enough for me tonight.

  • Che
    4 months ago

    Most of the time if that happens the “I’m Sorry” and pointing out their dropped gear is sufficient.

    I dropped in to one, though, before I even hit the ground one dude accused me of being a traitor (grief player), and killed me straight off. And then a second time. I pointed this out and after again the 3rd time made sure the other 2 knew what I was doing and killed him, and then again when he respawned.

    We actually finished the mission the other two sussed what was up since I didn’t kill them, and kept this guy off the field untill we got back to the ship, then he got kicked.

    If you’re doing it on purpose, you’re going to have a bad time.