Every day I find a few leaves on the ground. I read online that it might be root rot so I have been avoiding giving it water.

I might try to take it out of the pot and remove the bad roots. Does anyone have experience with removing bad roots?

  • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat
    4 months ago

    Check for bugs on the underside of the leaves. Sometimes mealy bugs can look almost like flat stationary spots on the leaves, not like bugs at all, but you’ll still see them and you can separate them from the leaf like a little scab.

    If it’s dying near the “trunk” but alive at the edges, it might be root rot. You can try splicing one large section of it into a vase of water and then into a new pot with soil, if that’s it, since there’s not a way to reverse that as far as I know.

    If it’s just losing leaves but nothing else is wrong, it might just be shock of moving around or something. It might be fine.

    Don’t overwater.

    This is my only advice, I hope it works out okay.