Description: A meme in two pictures and two text boxes.
The upper image shows an anime-style character, joyous and smiling, surrounded by twinkling stars. The text next to them says: “You realize you’re trans.”
The lower image shows the same character, staring in despair, surrounded by darkness. The text next to them says: “You realize you’re trans.”
You realise you’re trans… in the UK 😔
You realize you are trans… in Turkey 😔(transphobic everything) 🥰( pharmacy stores everywhere, all of them sell hrt medicine over the counter with no prescription)
So hypothetically could a gal jump on a plane to Turkey, buy a bunch of HRT over the counter, and fly home again? 🤔😅 I’m sorry about the transphobia, at least we have that in common 😕
“Sorry, that’s too many for one passenger…” followed by downing the whole bottle right there, and having a goddamn Sailor Moon transformation sequence.
“You’ll never take me alive!”
Boobs erupt out of me and somehow there’s an explosion, when the dust clears I’m lying dead on the airport floor, suffocated by my fat tittiesCyberpunk motorcycle chase, orbital laser sequence, various shouting of names.
If I get resurrected as a cyborg with interchangeable boob attachments that would honestly be ideal
If you go for the rocket ones, remember to bring spares and watch your backstop.
Note that Turkey is not in the EU though. AFAIK at least E is also available over the counter in Spain and Portugal and if you live in the EU you may have fewer issues with customs there.
I’m in the UK, we did a Brexit so we aren’t in the EU either 🤷♀️ I feel like things might be better if we still were but that’s neither here nor there
yeah. You can buy it like candy (almost) and there is no regulation for travelling with it
Good to know I guess, making regular trips to Turkey might genuinely be the easiest way for me to get any HRT 😅
or you can order it online. Many providers supply it from turkey I think. That’s how I found out that I could buy hrt over the counter in my own country
The issue is paying for it though, it’s not something where I can just throw my card details in and get girldrugs from what I can tell 🤔 I appreciate you telling me about it though ❤️
Oki. It is also cheaper if you get from here. 17 something dollars for 2 boxes of estrofem is what I paid. Which truat me isn’t cheap for us when our economy sucks but is pretty cheap for visitors from other countries ig.
That’s basically how it felt for me.
Me when I cracked… “This isn’t even the most dangerous decision you’ve made this week. Place an order for thigh highs and let’s see if we can aquire skirt without it being delivered to the house and without having to interact with a teller in a way they’ll realize what I’m buying. If we’re still alive by friday we’ll go rollerskating in said outfit”
did everyone else have a 1-2day long pog moment when they realized
Bottom one is me when I realized I’m Isogender and that people will strugle to understand and recognize me. even in queer spaces 😔
I feel being isogender is reasonably. I have not heard of it before, but it seems like it’s just not decisively male or female, while still swinging more to their assigned sex at birth.
Am I understanding this right?
It can be like that, I feel kind of like that since I do have some small connection to being male but also a strong lack of connection to gender at all.
I’m the same way! Thanks for teaching me that there’s a word for what I’ve felt. :)
Glad I could be helpful, if anyone is interested I made a community to discuss Isogender experiences [email protected]
Awesome, thank you! I’ve subscribed 💖
Hey you’re not alone.
Although I won’t pretend to fully understand who you are, I’m not even sure I do my own self.I had never heard of isogender, but kinda relate to.
I’m not trans, but I don’t feel cis either.
I have both masculine and feminine sides, although they’re not exactly clearly defined, it’s definitely there.
I don’t feel gender fluid either, in the sense that I’m always somewhat all over the place like this, which is something that doesn’t really change.I guess isogender is not mutually exclusive with other labels, although I mostly dislike labeling myself, which feels arbitrarily restrictive.
I guess, in a way, maybe that makes me somewhat agender, in the sense that I feel like the concept of gender isn’t much relevant to who I am as a person, although it’s also not absent either.I don’t really know how to describe this, but labeling myself always felt weird.
It’s like people expect me to fit on a horizontal male-female axis, but instead of being in a single spot I’m a Jackson Pollock painting stop-motioned mid-throw in zero-G.
I realized I am not trans but incredibly envious of hot women and their ability to have sex whenever they like. WHENEVER they like. That sometimes makes me dream of being a woman, having this privilege to act all decent but blow and fu** as often as I please.
But then I realize that as an ugly middle aged fuck, my biggest fantasy always was being sexually attractive (at least a little bit), so I keep searching the web for porn that fuels this fantasy, quietly weeping inside and pathetically wanking my way to my grave.
I realized I am not trans but incredibly envious of hot women and their ability to have sex whenever they like. WHENEVER they like.
I think he misspelled “Incel”.
An attractive woman can have sex basically whenever she wants. The issue is that you’ll be having sex with an unattractive and/or disrespectful partner.
If being a woman is dying of thirst on a raft in the ocean, this guy is stuck in the desert and wants to see the ocean. Both people are dying of thirst even though they are in different places.
An attractive woman can have sex basically whenever she wants.
I definitely know more attractive women who have given up on relationships because of abuse than I do any women who says that they have sex ‘whenever they want’. But maybe they don’t talk to me about it because I’m asexual, and I am not interested.
Pick any or all from this list that may help:
- Lose weight and adopt a fitness routine.
- Find clothing that fits, is in style, and looks like you dress with a bit of effort. Avoid graphic t-shirts and jeans paired together. Clothing shouldn’t be loose, and should fit your body well.
- Groom yourself. Shave your face, sculpt your beard. Learn light makeup. Shower, brush your teeth, and perhaps see a dentist; if your mouth smells like decay, no one’s gonna kiss you.
- Expend effort on what you look like.
- Change mindset and behavioral patterns. Be presentable, well-dressed, and clean, and don’t hunt for women; male-attracted women will come around sometimes.
It really is about taking care of yourself. No one would want a guy who doesn’t take care of himself. For that matter, when women exhibit similar, they’re ignored and rejected as well.
You got this.