If you’re on the Cursed Expedition, this crashed ship might be a nice upgrade from the C-class starter ship. It’s a crashed ship, so lots of repairs to get it into shape, but even partial cheap repairs early in the expedition gave it more cargo and better performance than the starter.

Found on the first rendezvous world, Ecorsfi in the Temarifi X system.

Coordinates: +39.79, -167.59 Planet Glyphs (for later retrieval): 5047.FCA7.8448

    • GrimpenOP
      4 months ago

      Glad it was useful! I just replaced this guy with an A-class interceptor though. I’m addicted to the ability to hover, which is so useful with these monsters haunting us in this expedition. So useful for ship based movement.

      Plus the interceptor is bigger, so more storage.

      Still might flip back to this ship at the end so I can copy it back into my primary save. It’s a beauty.

  • JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    PSA if you’ve completed an expedition in the past that awarded a ship you can claim and use it once you unlock the space anomaly, that’s what I always do.

    They’re all free to claim except the golden vector iirc.

    • GrimpenOP
      4 months ago

      Yes, but if you are using a save that has already claimed the reward, it won’t be available in the Anomaly even when in “expedition mode”. At least I couldn’t reclaim the Utopia Speeder.

      This is the one drawback of the new ability to start an expedition from an existing Save. I used to do exactly this on a new expedition, as soon as I could access the Anomaly I’d claim the Utopia Speeder.

      I have unclaimed rewards I could access, such as the Iron Vulture, but I don’t want to “consume” them on an expedition. You can also “copy” your ship or multitool from your Primary save, but that requires nanites. I did clone my multitool though (S class staff with a massively upgraded everything). I’m going to try cloning my cloned multitool when I’m done with the expedition, to have even more ultimate upgrades.

      Overall, I find taking advantage of the ability to load up supplies in the Anomaly for an expedition is well worth the loss of ability to claim expedition rewards. In either case, a nice ship near-ish the start of an expedition is pretty damn useful. And I’ll probably clone this one back into my Primary save or just grab it again.

      • JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I’m able to reclaim all of my starships every expedition, even when I’m on my existing save. (I have all of them but the Utopia Speeder)

        • GrimpenOP
          4 months ago

          Hm, I just checked it out, and a lot of stuff showed “previously claimed”. I’ll double check.

  • GrimpenOP
    4 months ago

    TIL that in Lemmy and Reddit, the “Image” are for “Image” posts, not “Text” posts.

    Exotic swordfish, blue & gold, glyphs 5047.FCA7.8448

    Crashed, so pretty beat up, but even minor repairs offer a decent ship upgrade.