The Steam Deck has revolutionized the gaming handheld market. With the Linux-based immutable SteamOS, Valve has fostered an active community developing mods and alternative systems for this platform. Other manufacturers distribute Windows-based mobile consoles. However, time and time again it has been shown that they lag behind Linux in terms of software support.

But how easy is it to bring a Linux distribution, say openSUSE, to the Steam Deck?

In this talk, a prototype based on openSUSE’s open technologies and infrastructure will be presented, which is already (almost) fully functional on the Steam Deck and many other devices.

    17 hours ago

    I don’t tinker anymore. No time.


    I have a very specific setup with COSMIC, Hyprland, and specific apps I use. That’s just my chosen way of using my computer.

    If I could get all this properly working on Bazzite, I’d have been there already.