• Albbi
    4 hours ago

    The very slippery slope of content people will remain content? Have you never heard of Panem et Circenses? The Roman proverb of Breads and Circuses that entertainment and material comforts will keep the population content?

    Having children is tough. You will live an easier life if you don’t have children. That’s not an extreme assumption. And if you’ve got yours, and you’ve got nobody to fight for since you’ll be dead in a few years anyway (as everybody seems to believe since society will collapse with climate change as indicated in the linked article) why are you going to give a fuck and give up your comfort to save the future? So yes, I think that people who choose not to have children will sit back thinking they’ve done their part, and the really dangerous part of that is that change needs momentum and being stationary is going to sap the momentum needed for change.