“Whether you hate me, like me or are indifferent, do you want the best car, or do you not want the best car?” [Apartheid Manchild] told audiences at an event in November.

Well, for starters I don’t want a car at all. I’d rather use public transit. You know, an actually effective means of reducing emissions.

If I were in the market, yes, I would want the best car. Which is why I’d never buy a Tesla. I’d buy an XPeng or a BYD or the like.

  • TankovayaDiviziya@lemmy.world
    23 hours ago

    To be fair, the egregious provisions of the PATRIOT act which allows unilateral spying by the US government has not been renewed. But on the one hand, there have been cases of law enforcement agencies buying information from data brokers, which companies have sold to. The Chinese government different, they can straight up spy on you and question you at any time.

    This thing isn’t something that would personally affect me because here in Europe we have GDPR and the EU is consumer-friendly, but privacy is still I would be concerned of for other parts of the world.