Nobody actually doubt that China is bent on betting for the longevity of the Myanmar military junta or military council, also known also as State Administration Council (SAC), ever since its military coup in February 2021. But its public posturing to prop up the junta comes out just recently and openly for all to see, as China now seems to be in a hurry to end the conflict stalemate in Myanmar, preferably to its national interest and advantage.

The leaked UWSA-China meeting report

During the first week of October a document concerning the United Wa State Army (UWSA)-China meeting report was deliberately leaked, in which China sort of spelled out its political position and policy line on Myanmar’s ongoing conflict.

  • RandAlThorOPM
    11 days ago

    TLDR: leaked document circulating online about China’s recent meeting with top officials of the 30,000-strong United Wa State Army (UWSA) where China explicitly told UWSA to stop selling arms to Myanmar’s resistance forces. China also re-states its position regarding ethnic Han Chinese guerilla force MNDAA - for it to give up seized cities back to Junta control, non-cooperation with NUG and Western nations and employing five-cuts [electricity, gas, water, internet, supplies] to MNDAA territories to enforce its demands. [Shan state villages and towns near Chinese border under the control of Chinese-backed guerillas are economically integrated with China using Chinese currency and infrastructure to function]. The author who’s the editor of the Shan Herald News believes the document to be authentic as it is in line with Chinese policy shift since August. He believes it was released by the Chinese side on purpose.