Who says I’m doing nothing? Im just saying you don’t understand human behavior if you think that “we just need to change” is the answer. People are lazy and need incentive to do shit. So systemic implementations are always going to be more effective.
Systemic change is going to force the same lifestyle changes anyway.
Right? It’s like people want to be forced at gunpoint to do the things they know they SHOULD be doing now. What the fuck??
Who says I’m doing nothing? Im just saying you don’t understand human behavior if you think that “we just need to change” is the answer. People are lazy and need incentive to do shit. So systemic implementations are always going to be more effective.
I just said that they want to be forced at gunpoint; sounds like you and I are saying the same thing???
Obviously “incentive” was the wrong word here, because the incentive exists: avoiding an existential threat to human culture.