I wish I was a billion dollar company who gets away with stuff like this. Just generally break people’s systems, add spyware, lie to users, treat them like shit.

All while making even more money and my stocks keep on going up, because AI, Ai, Ai…

  • phoenixz
    4 hours ago

    Are you listening to yourself? Why are you even using this shite? You pay for being screwed over, bit don’t worry everyone, we can unsabotage the crap we paid for!

    Switch to Linux already, come to the dark side, we have cookies.

    Ona more serious note: there are literally less reasons every day to stick to windows. Games? Most , ir not damn near all work fine or better on linux. Photoshop? Run it in a VM if you must, away from the rat of your work, but at least stop paying Microsoft money FFS. Yes, actively pirate windows if you must.

    I’m so fucking tired of people writing how they spend so much time to restore their paid product to a barely functional level, then complain about Linux being too complicated.

    My literal last experience installing both lonic and windows was 25 minutes for Linux (that includes downloading the iso and burning it on a USB) and 7 grueling hours spread out over 4 days with countless failed attempts to install windows, BIOS metssing, trying different ISO burner programs, with the final attempt taking well over an hour to complete, passing countless “BUY MORE, ALLOW US TO SPY, GIVE US MORE MONEY, YOU WILL USE THIS SERVICE!” screens. Then Linux just worked and windows still was fucking me over.

    Why do people put up with this? Just use Linux, get it over with. So much less pain.

    • helmet91@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      No need to tell me all this; I’ve been using Linux for more than 15 years and I don’t freakin’ care what’s happening to Windows.

      Now either you haven’t read properly what I said, or my wording was not clear - apologies in the latter case. Either way, I’ll try to explain what I meant.

      1. It’s pointless for Microsoft to make Recall (or anything) unremovable, since someone will find a solution to it pretty quickly. So those who use Windows, most likely will still have the option to continue to use it without Recall, in my opinion.
      2. I also highly recommend everyone to just use a usable operating system instead.
      3. Telling the average user to use a better operating system is one thing. That’s fairly doable nowadays, I don’t see basically any obstacle to that, and I wouldn’t even mention it, because you just tell them the facts, and the smarter ones will listen and think it through, the rest of them will do whatever they want, it’s their problem. What I find very problematic, is industrial environments. There are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or millions of workstations, terminal computers, controllers in companies of varying sizes, where it’s absolutely not cost efficient to switch from Windows to something else (well, at least not until they get into their first data breach attributed to Recall or other shady Microsoft services). They have highly specialized tools complete with documentation and support and everything made for the one specific platform they are operating on, and it’s certainly not easy to change that, especially without halting production. If there’s one IT advice I could give to those companies, it would be to start creating a strategic plan to drop their Microsoft dependencies, and then execute their plan. It would take probably years, but they gotta start doing it like ASAP. And along the way, while porting their toolchains, they could as well do it the smart way: make it highly portable, so whatever platform they switch to, wouldn’t be the only option. Should that platform go south just like Windows did, they’d have the option to switch again to something else, just much easier this time.
      4. According to my experience, customization tools to remove bloat (including Recall) are not permissible in work environments, and spyware (such as Recall) are not (supposed to be) tolerated either. If this doesn’t make them switch to a better platform, nothing will.