BC Conservative candidate for Langford-Highlands, posted a suggestion on his LinkedIn profile that COVID could be prevented by using a hair dryer to blow hot air up your nose. “Take slow, deep breaths through the nose, with mouth closed for five minutes,” the post advised, “allowing the heat to penetrate deeply into the nose and sinuses.”
Wow what a fucking idiot
Did she cook her brain?!
“…your nose.” Was a pleasant surprise, actually. Not where I thought it was going.
That would cause me serious pain and have no benefit to me whatsoever. Sounds legit.
At the beginning of COVID a coworker told me all you had to do was go outsIde every morning and breathe deep and blow the virus out.
People actually believe facebook nonsense
I had a guy tell me at the beginning that india would be immune because its too hot there for viruses to live.