Now obviously we all espouse ranked voting, but the most popular rule—the single transferable vote—is known to sometimes eliminate candidates for getting too many votes, which is what happened in the 2022 Alaska special election (see for an explanation of how this happens).

So, which voting rule do you like the most? I’m new to this world, but so far the Dowdall system seems like a good compromise.

  • howrar
    6 months ago

    the only people who can decide if it’s appropriate to go to war are… what? soldiers?

    That sounds very reasonable. It ensures that if it happens, it’s for a cause you’re willing to die for.

      6 months ago

      that doesn’t mean it’s a good or just war. or that they’re willing to die for it. There are plenty of people who are retired military that are totally fine with sending other kids to die for stupid shit. Bush W served in the TX nat guard, for example, yet was perfectly willing to fabricate lies to get a war going in iraq. Rumsfeld was a navy pilot and was totally complicit in that as well.

      And then there are the people who are habituated to the battlefield, and don’t know what to do with themselves when there’s not a war on.

      And then there’s the assholes that just want to kill people without going to jail for it.

      In no way does having served in the military mean their judgement is any better as to whether a war or cause is just. In fact, for comparison, Bernie Sanders never served because of his pacifist beliefs. in the contest of the War in Gaza, who do you think is on the right side of history? Him, or all the other senators who served in the military and are pro-Israel?

      Sorry, but having served in the military does not make you inherently moral, ethical, or any less reactionary than the rest of us. Being willing to die for a thing, doesn’t make that a good thing.

      • howrar
        6 months ago

        Ah, I see what you mean. I thought the proposal was for those who make the decision to also be the ones fighting the war. Of course, it doesn’t guarantee that the cause is just, but I think it would still be a lot better than what we have now.