In town for a few months. Been watching the tap on rates on the trams.

I’m going to hazard an approximation of about 20% of people are actually tapping on. Maybe 30% at a stretch.

Surely if they did a Brisbane, and dropped it to 50c or even $1, then most everyone would tap.

There comes a point , when things are affordable rnough, that it’s not worth the risk / anxiety.

At current pricing it’s obviously still worth the risk.

I can only imagine if the 70% or so that are not paying, paid $1, that there’d be more money in the system.

    6 months ago

    Unpopular option, but the free tram zone is worthless, and subsidising people who live in the city.

    Either let’s make PT entirely free, or get rid of it.

    Such a pain when you’re trying to get your team home at night (and they only run every 20 mins or so), and it’s chokablock with people taking the tram 1 or 2 stops within the CBD.

    Or they really ought to do something about frequency into the evening, maybe get some teams just for shuttling within the CBD, and give trams priority at lights.

    You can almost walk as fast as you can tram in the CBD (not quite, but still).

    Current set up kinda sucks.