I’m always pretty sad when I go back and check on new users that I had welcomed and suggested they post an introduction, only to realize they never did and never made another post…

I have a feeling some of those people are the “Fediverse is too confusing!” People, yet they don’t even try.🤦‍♂️

#Fedi #Fediverse

  • BeAware :fediverse:@social.beaware.liveOP
    13 days ago

    @[email protected] I don’t do that. That’d be quite annoying considering I have almost 1200 follow relationships!

    I simply reply to their “Hi Mastodon” posts with a welcome and suggest they do an introduction post if their post doesn’t include info about them. Then I usually follow them because I enjoy helping new people navigate this place.

    It can be very confusing if you’re not tech savvy.

    @[email protected]