Cable disc brakes. I kept putting it off but it was riding like shit and didn’t feel safe, brake levers nearly contacting the handlebar. I had it in my head that the adjustment was like a 30 minute job. Grabbed Allen wrenches, a couple third hands, screwdrivers. 5 minutes and two Allen bolts later, all done. Topped off the tires with air, quick test ride, meat’s back on the menu. No real point to this post, but maybe you’ve made a quick adjustment or repair that made you happy?

    4 months ago

    When the travel starts to bottom out on my hydraulic disk brakes, that typically means it’s time for new brake pads.

    Just replaced the brake pads (front an back) on my parters MTB (hydraulic) after we’d finished (she did most of tje work while i mansplained ) I told her to test ride and be careful jamming the brakes on as you’ll notice a difference. She came back “jesus fcukibg christ they nearly sent me over the bar!”. She’d been used to pulling them on further as the pads were well worn.