Is the Myanmar junta turning to the infamous Russian Wagner Group of state-sponsored mercenaries for help in its wars against a multitude of armed groups opposing its February 2021 seizure of power? That, at least, is what is being claimed in the 61st bulletin from a Chinese-language website called One Guide that covers the fighting in northern Myanmar.

  • RandAlThorOPM
    24 days ago

    The article has an interesting piece on the recently deceased commander of the NDAA, another ethnic armed organization in Shan State. This is yet another nugget that Communist Party of Burma and its spawn of ethnic armies bear the mark of heavy Chinese hand in Burmese civil war: "Lin Mingxian, the commander of the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA) in eastern Shan State, who passed away reportedly from lung cancer on August 7. Lin, a half-Shan, half-ethnic Chinese born in northern Myanmar in 1948 or 1949, joined the Red Guards in China as a teenager, and came across the border to Myanmar in 1968 with scores of other likeminded young Chinese to fight alongside the Communist Party of Burma (CPB). "

    It is no coincidence that ethnic armies born of CPB all use Mandarin as official language, are led by ethnic Han chinese, and use the Chinese currency as official currency in the territories they hold.

    • Alphane
      24 days ago

      Thank you for the commentary.

      Are you from Myanmar?

      I try to follow global events, but the full scale invasion of my country has largely taken up my news/global politics time.

      Do you have any good sources on the the current situation, particularly an analysis of the rebel groups.

      To me the junta seems like a bunch scoundrels, do the rebel forces offer a viable (democratic, liberal leaning) alternative?

  • RandAlThorOPM
    24 days ago

    There’s long been reports of Wagner group’s presence in Myanmar since the coup, so this is not new. They are often there as “technical advisors” or “instructors” in some capacity since the Junta has been buying arms from Russia as an alternative to reliability issues with Chinese weapons. With the Junta’s crony openly asking for Russian assistance in Burma’s internal war on Russian state media, this may have alarmed the Chinese on the growing presence of Russia in Burmese scene. China sees Myanmar as its exclusive sphere of influence and despite its friendly relations with Russia does not want another rival here.