Factually, that’s what he did during his time in office as well. I’m not sure what they thought had changed.

  • cogman@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I don’t have this much faith. What lost gore the election is the fact that it was a terribly close election that the supreme court could swing one way or another (and they swung it for bush). If this is a close election for trump and there’s 1 or 2 cases that would make him win, I definitely see the supreme court swinging in his favor. This is quite obvious if you look at the recent case that granted him full immunity. The SC is more than willing to bend of over backwards if it furthers rightwing ideals.

    As for what the house/senate can do to swing the case, that loophole was mostly closed after the 2020 election. There’s not the same room that trump was trying to exploit to steal an election from congress. I worry a lot more about election laws in swing states stealing the election for Trump. There were more than a few laws passed in republican controlled swing states that gave republicans more discretion in figuring out “legitimate” votes.