• riodoro1@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    We keep saving us from more crises by manufacturing more shit and consuming more resources for „just a stepping stone” solution. Making more shit sacs rich in the process.

    Interesting how that works.

    Truth is that humanity will have to face degrowth at some point. It could be gradual and planned now or it will be sudden and chaotic in a rather near future. All those EVs we keep pumping out to keep our 1960’s dream of personal transportation afloat consume a lot of materials and resources we could’ve placed elsewhere or just leave fucking untouched.

    • LesserAbe@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      What do you envision when you say degrowth?

      Because for good or bad, I don’t see a future anytime soon where personal vehicles are gone. People need to get around to live and in most places public transit isn’t up to the task. To my mind best case we get governments to start building more public transit and as those systems get better it creates a virtuous cycle where more and more people can practically make the change.

      In the meantime if we switch from gas to electric cars that is a net positive, even though switching to public transit would be much more of a net positive.